what is phrasal verbs top ten daily phrasal verb with Meanings and details 2021

 What is phrasal verbs top  ten daily phrasal verb with Meanings 2021

What are the phrasal Verbs : The Basics 

Definitions:  The phrasal verbs are that which is consist of a verb and a particle. for example 

verb:                               particle                                         Example 

look                               up                           you can look up any new words in your note book. 

Get                                through                   I tried  to phone her but I couldn't Get through. 

make                             out                          I just can't make saim  out at all.            

particle are small words which you already know as prepositions or adverbs, here are some    of the most common phrasal verbs particles. about , a round ,at  away , back ,down ,for ,in  into , off on out , over through  to up etc .

What do  i need to know about phrasal verbs : ?

 First you need to know the meaning of the whole phrasal verb as a unit.  For example, look means to use your eyes and up means the opposite of down, but the phrasal verb look up can have several different meanings: Look the word up in the dictionary.  [look up = search for information in a book / computer] 'll look you up next time I'm in London.  [look up = visit someone you have not seen for a long time | Things are looking up.  [look up = improve] Next you need to know the grammar patterns of phrasal verbs, e.g.  whether the verb takes an object.  The table shows the way the grammar patterns are shown in this book and in many dictionaries. 

 Note that sth means something;  sb means someone.

Grammar pattern



Eat out

The verb is used without an object

We were too tired to cook at home so  decided  to  eat out (eat out in a restaurant)

Bring back someone, something, or bring something back

The verb must have a noun-human object

This photograph brings back happy memories [makes me remember or think about something from the past) Not: This photograph brings back my sister I'd love to ask Sally out.

Ask out sb or ask sb  out

The verb must have a human object

I would love to ask  same out invite same to go to a place like a cinema or a restaurant .

Note: I would love to ask.

Look after sb sth

The object can either human  or non –human

I will look after the baby  while you are cooking. Will you look after my bike while I am  away.

Ring sb back

The object must come before the particle

I will ring you  back later (phone you again ) I will

Drop off sb /sth or drop sb /sth off

The object can be before or after the particle

I dropped off the package at her house. ( Delivered )

I dropped the package off at her house.

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